Wong |
“Meomi Design is co-founded by Vicki Wong (Vancouver)
& Michael Murphy (LA). Meomi specializes in character
design, illustration and design by enlisting the help
of a talented army of squirrels. Our artwork has appeared
on clothing, toys, merchandise, and games worldwide.
We have pushed pixels for: Fisher-Price, Electronic
Arts, TimeOut, Cingular, and PixelBlocks. Long Live
the Critter Coalition!”
How did Meomi come about? What's
the story behind all this playful pixel madness?
Meomi came about when Michael & I decided that drawing
little animals and making up stories is funner than doing
work. But as it turns out, work *can* be drawing critters...
and sometimes vice versa.
So, Meomi's goal is to get
a critter into every household. What impact would this have
on the world?
It was proven that kitten purrs can heal bones. So I'm
assuming everyone will be a lot healthier.
Is the power of critters often
underestimated in today's design and advertising world?
I think the critter influence is more subversive. We start
them off at a young age by surrounding human babies with
pictures of kittens and puppies. By the time they are adults,
they are sufficiently brainwashed to not be aware of their
undying allegiance to their critter overlords.
Meomi is definitely one of
the worlds leading providers of high quality critters, each
appear to have a unique personality, and story behind them.
What inspires you to create them? How do they come about?
Inspired by the animals of course! We buy our stories off
third world critters at low prices (thankfully they are
not yet unionized) then we resell them to the human public
at high prices. That's how we make our huge profits!
Meomi is running quite a talented
empire of cuteness: Character Design, Print, Animation,
Flash, Branding & Logo Design, Fashion Accessories,
T-Shirts, and even Sound Design... what is the organizations
next creative move towards Critter World Domination? Future
Unfortunately I can't go into detail, but it would definitely
involve corrupting human minds with critter games and publications.
Curator Review:
Filled with yummy pixels, and beady-eyed beings that induce
"Awe!", Meomi takes the ball when it comes to
the fine art of cute and fluffy things.
As "inside-sources" now confirm: their plan for
total "Critter World Domination" is making rapid
progress. Pixel by pixel, squirrel by squirrel they are
subversively placing a critter in every home as you read
...And I, for one, certainly don't mind.
Ranging from cuddly vector vermin to finely dotted isometric
pixel art their work is incredibly detailed, and playfully
immersive; such as the tasty banner sitting on the equally
tasty Bang-On
store website, effectively capturing the atmosphere of a
mall swamped by a colorful range of busy pixel shoppers.
But hey! Why not play a part in this nutty escapade and
spread the mad critter love by casting and directing your
own crew of fluffies to star in a MonkeyPow
Flash e-card? Then again, if the t-shirts, buttons, and
mass-fuzz production in the Character Factory doesn't convince
you that these little animals mean business the various
Flash games will. is riddled with numerous interactive goodies
like the "acorn-tree memory game" where a host
of naughty critters occupy a tree refusing to come down
at the discomfort of their rather perturbed open-mouthed
pixel friend. You have exactly 20 U-Nuts to find them all...
(Note: I lost and was consequently pwnd by a gang of unruly
hooligan chipmunks.) Also, be sure not to miss the adorable
Meomivision Flash animation, or the CrushChronicle, or the
Garden of Days, or the... My god! Enough said! Go forth
and mingle with the fleecies... It's well worth the next
5-10 hours of your life.
Curator: Nathalie Lawhead |
Nathalie Lawhead is an artist, poet, writer, and sculptor.
She works as a senior designer, and Flash developer for the infamous group
of IT goons’ known
as AlienMelon.
Momentarily her physical location is the medieval town of Kranj, Slovenia
but she lives online fused to her computer and the web.